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27 April 2012
Reporter Georgina Lavers

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Mizuho Trust & Banking fuse European custody and SBL operations

Mizuho Trust & Banking and Mizuho Securities will consolidate their European custody operations and securities lending operations currently provided by Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. (MHTBL) and Mizuho International (MHI).

In a statement from the company, Mizuho said the merge would centralise functions and enhance the quality of client services. The Mizuho Financial Group will consolidate European custody operations through MHTBL and will consolidate European securities lending services through MHI.

“Mizuho is confident that it can achieve its objective of further strengthening its global custody service to its clients through the collaboration of three global custody centres in Tokyo, Europe, and America,” the statement went on to say.

MHTBL, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd., provides global custody, fund administration, and securities agency services with a strong focus on European assets.?

MHI, the London-based securities and investment banking arm of Mizuho Securities provides financial solutions to institutional investors, including securities lending services, with a strong focus on European assets.?

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