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UnaVista and SteelEye partner after CME announcement
30 June 2020
London Reporter Rebecca Delaney

UnaVista has partnered with SteelEye to provide reporting services to financial institutions as they navigate the migration from CME’s European trade repository and NEX Abide regulatory reporting services, which are set to close in November 2020

MiFID II Review: EFAMA calls for changes to investor protection rules
22 May 2020
Brussels Reporter Maddie Saghir

EFAMA shows support for MiFID II and MiFIR framework but calls for improvements to professional investors to enhance market transparency

WFE responds to Europe’s MiFID II consultation
20 May 2020
London Reporter Maddie Saghir

The World Federation of Exchanges has responded to the European Commission consultation on the review of MiFID II and the MiFIR regulatory framework

AFME responds to ESMA’s new MiFIR and MiFID II regimes for third-country firms
01 May 2020
London Reporter Maddie Saghir

AFME has responded to ESMA's consultation paper on the provision of investment services and activities in the union by third-country firms under MiFID II and MiFIR

ICMA calls for central database to improve bond market transparency
29 April 2020
London Reporter Maddie Saghir

ICMA’s Consolidated Tape Taskforce suggested that the whole market would benefit from a single reliable source of post-trade data

ICMA looks to update buy-in rules concerning CSDR
10 October 2019
London Reporter Jenna Lomax

The International Capital Market Association will look to update its buy-in rules to provide market best practice regarding the Central Securities Depositories Regulation, according to Andy Hill, senior director at ICMA

Widespread errors present in UK MiFIR transaction reporting
03 June 2019
London Reporter Jenna Lomax

More than 1,300 Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation transaction reporting error and omission notifications were received by the Financial Conduct Authority in 2018, according to analysis by Duff & Phelps

ESMA updates MiFID and MiFIR Q&As
04 April 2019
Paris Reporter Jenna Lomax

The European Securities and Markets Authority has updated its Q&As regarding market structures and transparency issues under the Market in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation

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How to manage regulatory divergence post Brexit

Simon Treacy, senior associate at Linklaters, highlights the challenge of navigating EU and UK financial regulation and discusses how technology can help chart a course to compliance

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Regulators see the bigger picture

Nick Moss of MarketAxess discusses the advantage regulators have when assessing data quality and how the industry can adopt a similar approach

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Are we there yet?

Brian Bollen talks to global bank Société Générale and post-trade vendor Torstone Technology about the latest updates on MiFIR, and why the journey toward its next review may still be a long one

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ISO 20022 XML standards are taking over transaction reporting

Cappitech reviews the move to the ISO 20022 XML standards occurring within transaction reporting regulation

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Michelle Zak

Qomply, a regulatory technology company that has processed billions of transaction reports for more than 50 investment firms, sits firmly on the front line as it assists clients with their EMIR reporting journeys. Jenna Lomax spoke to the company’s Michelle Zak to find out how the industry is responding

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Michael Hall
Spectrum Markets

Michael Hall talks to Jenna Lomax about what Spectrum Markets can offer the retail trading space, how the relationship between digital and traditional assets will continue to change, and if crypto derivatives should be monitored as part of ESG policy

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Mark John

Once financial services firms are through this swathe of regulation, they can start again with a clean sheet, says Mark John of Pershing

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Experts say DLT has the potential to open the floor to all kinds of innovations if it can become a regulatory and legally integral part of Germany’s business

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